In Brief...
First and foremost, we belong to Jesus Christ: we are His new covenant church centered on His Word and Gospel, striving to know our God more deeply and better make Him known.
Come visit us!
What Can You Expect?
Each Sunday you can expect to find us reading and singing over the gospel, focusing deeply on the exposited Word, and building each other up in the faith. Every Wednesday, you will find us gathering informally together around the Word of God and in prayer, enjoying the Lord and one another in Him.
All are welcome!
Beyond Our Walls
But we're a church beyond our gatherings, too. Our members are covenanted together to be the church God calls us to be in every realm God calls us to serve: in our homes, in the church, and in the community. It's all about living out who we are in Christ in every place and to every person He calls us.
Continue to Why We're Here.