Sunday: Classes @ 10:00am, Service @ 11:00am


Why We're Here

Which Image?

We could go for the classic image, valuing yesteryear's tradition.

Or, we could go for the current image, chasing after what's ever fluid.  

The Christ Image

But we long to be reproduced in the Christ image, God's predestined image for His own (Romans 8:29).

Jesus' death on the cross two thousand years ago purchased us as His own.  By His life, we live also.  We have heard the gospel and by grace believed.  We are Christ's church, on His mission (Matthew 28:18-20), placed here to hold up the glory of Christ in the word of Christ in order to see the image of Christ reproduced in ourselves, and reproduced in others too (2 Corinthians 3:18).

We are a Word-centered, gospel-centered church. We long to know our Savior and to make Him known, to be disciple-making disciples.  We have not yet attained, we're not a finished product.  Many other bodies are more fit than we are, we're sure!  But we're resting in grace, and willing in obedience.

So we go forward: to fulfill Christ's mission in the power of His Spirit, together.

Continue to Disciples, Making Disciples