Sunday: Classes @ 10:00am, Service @ 11:00am


The teaching and preaching of Aulds Chapel, prayerfully proclaiming the Word of God.

Sermons from October 2016

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October 30, 2016

In Praise of Forward Thinking

Series: Irresistible Jesus: Sermons in Luke Topic: New Testament Passage: Luke 16:1–13

October 23, 2016

The Lord Also Loves the Proud

Series: Irresistible Jesus: Sermons in Luke Topic: New Testament Passage: Luke 15:25–32

October 16, 2016

Sinner, Come Home!

Series: Irresistible Jesus: Sermons in Luke Topic: New Testament Passage: Luke 15:11–32

October 9, 2016

The Love of God for Sinners

Series: Irresistible Jesus: Sermons in Luke Topic: New Testament Passage: Luke 15:1–10

October 2, 2016

...Cannot Be My Disciple

Series: Irresistible Jesus: Sermons in Luke Topic: New Testament Passage: Luke 14:25–35